Sunday, December 17, 2006

video on mvp

ed from the mitral valve prolapse yahoo group has posted this link for a video on mvp ... it's actually very informative and gives a good explanation on this condition -

totally unrelated to the video - i've been doing okay right now ... the pain on my neck is gone and i sure hope it won't go back - ever ... i had an appointment with a breast surgeon who asked me to have another sonogram ... i've yet to get the results but the surgeon did say that he thinks it's benign ...

keeping my fingers crossed - as always ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was diagnosed with mvp in my mid 20s. Because the palpitations bothered me, the doc put me on Inderol for a little while. As I've gotten older (50 now), the mvp symptoms occur less and less, to where I rarely notice it anymore. So, if yours is benign, it will probably mellow over time.

To help stop the palps, take a breath and push down with your abdominal muscles, like you're grunting. A tip from a doc I once saw that works for me.